
Who invented the flat earth theory
Who invented the flat earth theory

The founder of the Christian Catholic Apostolic Church, John Alexander Dowie and later Wilbur Glenn Voliva, promoted the Flat Earth theory. The Flat Earth theory got popular in the United States, mostly in the city of Zion and Illinois.

who invented the flat earth theory

The views of the flat earth were based on Bible passages. The Flat Earth Society was founded by Samuel Birley Rowbotham, an English inventor in the early 1800s. The Flat Earther Society says on their website.

who invented the flat earth theory

The mission of the Flat Earth Society is to promote and initiate discussion of Flat Earth theory as well as archive Flat Earth literature. They also think NASA and other government agencies created a “round earth conspiracy”. So, they consider all the proofs are just a trick such as a satellite’s picture of Earth as a sphere.

who invented the flat earth theory

They claim so because walking on the plant’s surface looks and feels like flat. The flat Earthers are the member of flat earth society.

Who invented the flat earth theory